Thursday, February 25, 2010

One is Better Than None

Steve Raybine:

Blog #81:

One is Better Than None

Having one student that wants to learn is better than none. Preparing one piece of music well is better than none. Serving on one service committee is better than none. Helping one student with his or her studies is better than none. Assisting one colleague is better than none. Implementing one positive change is better than none. Attending one conference, seminar or workshop is better than none. Recruiting one student is better than none. Listening to one piece of music is better than none. Speaking to one musical or financial volunteer is better than none. Applying for one grant is better than none. Learning one new technique, concept or skill is better than none. Demonstrating one technique or skill is better than none. Communicating with one person is better than none. Composing one piece of music is better than none. Making one CD is better than none. Helping one person who needs help is better than none. Running for public office is better than none.

One doesn't have to be the loneliest number as the song says. One can, however, be the most powerful number if you are that person who makes the difference in your field; with your family; with your friends and in society. I love the number one and I suggest you do the same.

Copyright 1994/2010 Steve Raybine
All Rights Reserved

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