Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Rewards of Teaching

Steve Raybine:

Blog #116:

The Rewards of Teaching

Teaching has many personal rewards and those individuals that pursue this vocation do so because they believe in the importance of education and its impact upon an individual's life. A teacher, much like a parent or other family member, can provide proper guidance and direction for his or her students that hopefully will prove beneficial throughout that person's life. Because of the short- and long-term implications regarding the teacher/student relationship, conscientious teachers shape the entire person, not just one aspect of the student. In the field of music and perhaps within the arts in general, teachers philosophize and motivate, as well as instruct their students within the appropriate area of study (music; drama; art; writing; etc.,). Considering the demands and expectations placed upon teachers within contemporary society, it is an ongoing journey to not only teach, but to mentor your students as well.

Students need teachers that are committed to assisting them now and throughout their careers. After a student acquires the necessary information and skills from his or her teacher, I believe the teacher assumes a mentor relationship with the student as his or her career progresses. Because of this lifelong educational commitment, which undergoes a transformation throughout the course of time and events, teachers must be prepared to always provide the best possible instruction and guidance for their students.

Copyright 2010 Steve Raybine
All Rights Reserved

Monday, June 28, 2010

Updating Teaching Materials

Steve Raybine:

Blog #115:

Updating Teaching Materials

In order to stay current with musical trends and contemporary innovations, teachers will find it imperative to update their teaching materials regularly. By doing so, they will better prepare their students for a successful career in the world of contemporary music. The key to this concept is up-do-date, not out-of-date.

Copyright 2010 Steve Raybine
All Rights Reserved

Attend Conferences and Workshops

Steve Raybine:

Blog #114:

Attend Conferences and Workshops

Conferences, workshops and seminars are designed to provide teachers with important information germane to their area of interest. The amount of materials and information presented and discussed as presented by clinicians and specialists is condensed into a relatively brief period of time. In most instances, the presentations are outstanding and beneficial to most of the participants. Therefore, teachers should confer with their department chair regarding the feasibility of attending a conference, workshop or seminar when the situation presents itself.

Copyright 2010 Steve Raybine
All Rights Reserved

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Replacing Irresponsible Ensemble Members

Steve Raybine:

Blog #113:

Replacing Irresponsible Ensemble Members

At any point in time, certain members of an ensemble may be habitually late or erratic in their attendance. Moreover, he or she may also cease practicing their parts and become a musically non-productive member of the ensemble. If either or both of these scenarios occurs, I would recommend speaking with the individual(s) to discern what is causing the attendance problem or the lack of musical productivity. If the absence and/or tardiness continues, the director must decide what the next logical step is. As difficult and awkward as it may appear, replacing the individual may be in the best interest of the ensemble and the student. The same conclusion would result with the other problem area that was defined.

An ensemble needs to operate with 100% efficiency. This cooperation requires nothing less than total commitment from all ensemble members. If there are any individuals that are unwilling or unable to make that commitment, perhaps a substitution or replacement is in order. Furthermore, if a personal conflict between members of an ensemble occurs and cannot be resolved, group morale can suffer, a situation which can erode the overall musical effectiveness of the band. Should the entire ensemble suffer because of one or two individuals? I think not! The adjustment should be made. Perhaps one positive aspect on behalf of the person causing the conflict will be that he or she will come to a greater understanding of what is involved in becoming a significant contributor to a musical ensemble.

Copyright 2010 Steve Raybine
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Marking the Parts

Steve Raybine:

Blog #112:

Marking the Parts

One of the most productive ways to prepare music is to learn how to mark the parts. Marking parts requires highlighting various aspects of the music (meter shifts; crescendos/diminuendos; dynamics; tempo markings; coda signs; etc.,) that shape and define the overall design of the composition. The visual articulation of these musical parameters (in different colors) will help students do a better job of preparing and interpreting the music. No one should ever mark in ink or a use a permanent marker on an original part since doing so would deface the printed music. I recommend copying the music and making the requsite marks to enhance the visual comprehension of the composition.

Copyright 2010 Steve Raybine

All Rights Reserved

Scheduling Weekly or Bi-Weekly Sectional Rehearsals

Steve Raybine:

Blog #111:

Scheduling Weekly or Bi-Weekly Sectional Rehearsals

Without exception, every ensemble benefits from productive and frequent sectional rehearsals. The instructor should create an environment wherein he or she or an assistant (this could also include student section leaders within the ensemble) is available on a weekly- to bi-weekly basis to direct sectional rehearsals. This process will refine the sound and technical capabilities of individual sections and also contribute to an improved large ensemble sound. In addition, sections within the ensemble that meet regularly for sectional rehearsals will develop an increased sense of inner pride. The instructor should challenge his or her members to give 100% of their time and talents to an organization that will bring them the most musically rewarding ensemble experience they are collectively capable of producing.

Copyright 2010 Steve Raybine

All Rights Reserved

Monday, June 21, 2010

Devising Mental Games to Memorize Musical Material

Steve Raybine:

Blog #110:

Devising Mental Games to Memorize Musical Material

A teacher that challenges students with intellectually-stimulating games helps them to better retain and memorize important musical facts and concepts. In order for this to be effective and interesting, one must be clever and creative when devising games of mental acuity. Suggestions for your mental gymnastics might include the following:

1.) Reciting scale/mode-connecting exercises (verbally articulating the immediate and intermittent shifts in ascending and descending order between various scales or modes).

2.) Listing all the available chord extensions in altered and unaltered forms and other color tones with a specific root from the primary chord categories (major; minor; dominant; augmented; diminished and half-diminished) within a certain time allotment.

3.) Reciting the note names and rhythms at any place within a specific composition the student is currently studying.

Games the require mental agility are not only entertaining and refreshing, but they also stimulate the student's desire for knowledge and for retaining that information.

Copyright 2010 Steve Raybine

All Rights Reserved