Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Rewards of Teaching

Steve Raybine:

Blog #116:

The Rewards of Teaching

Teaching has many personal rewards and those individuals that pursue this vocation do so because they believe in the importance of education and its impact upon an individual's life. A teacher, much like a parent or other family member, can provide proper guidance and direction for his or her students that hopefully will prove beneficial throughout that person's life. Because of the short- and long-term implications regarding the teacher/student relationship, conscientious teachers shape the entire person, not just one aspect of the student. In the field of music and perhaps within the arts in general, teachers philosophize and motivate, as well as instruct their students within the appropriate area of study (music; drama; art; writing; etc.,). Considering the demands and expectations placed upon teachers within contemporary society, it is an ongoing journey to not only teach, but to mentor your students as well.

Students need teachers that are committed to assisting them now and throughout their careers. After a student acquires the necessary information and skills from his or her teacher, I believe the teacher assumes a mentor relationship with the student as his or her career progresses. Because of this lifelong educational commitment, which undergoes a transformation throughout the course of time and events, teachers must be prepared to always provide the best possible instruction and guidance for their students.

Copyright 2010 Steve Raybine
All Rights Reserved

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