Thursday, June 17, 2010

Should You Relocate for Your Music?

Steve Raybine:

Blog #103:

Should You Relocate for Your Music?

Occasionally, I am asked my opinion whether a musician associate of mine should consider relocating to a new location. My answer is typically a cautious perhaps and/or perhaps not. Relocating just for the sake of trying something new in a different environment may not yield the results you're looking for (more gigs; better money; performing opportunities with different musicians; etc). Although these are three good reasons to contemplate relocating, are they, in fact feasible and achievable? If they are, then maybe you should consider it. However, if you're truly uncertain as to the viability of these situations actually occurring, then maybe you should put on the proverbial 'brakes' and do some more careful research before you consider any professional move.

Let's face it: most musicians and most people in general are interested in expanding their business. They want new challenges and new opportunities. If that means that they need to relocate in order to achieve that goal, then it bears consideration at the very least. However, the bottom line should be, can you afford to make a move of that magnitude. If the price of living on various levels (housing; medical care; food; entertainment; etc.,) is too expensive for your current income level, then rethink the relocation before you jump into something you really can't afford to do. Any substantial elevation in income will probably evolve over time, even within the new environment. You would still need to spend a considerable amount of time establishing yourself and your musical product within the new location. And, as it has been said so eloquently before, "Time is money." Can you realistically afford the monetary investment that relocating requires? Would you be able to sustain yourself financially while you're networking and becoming an established musical presence within your new environment? These are serious questions, which should be thought out very carefully before you embark upon any move.

In summation: proceed with caution and a realistic viewpoint as to the pros and cons of relocating. Perhaps a relocation is exactly what you need in order to reinvigorate your career...or perhaps not.

Copyright 2010 Steve Raybine

All Rights Reserved

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