Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Brief Music Survey

Steve Raybine:

Blog #13:

Brief Music Survey

Here's a short music survey for you to take. Hope you enjoy it.

1.) How much music do you listen to each day?

a.) 2 hours or more

b.) 1hour-1 hour and 45 minutes

c.) 30 minutes-59 minutes

d.) 15 minutes

e.) not at all

2.) How many music concerts do you attend each month?

a.) 4 or more

b.) 3

c.) 2

d.) 1

e.) none

3.) How many CD's do you buy (retail or internet downloading) each month?

a.) 4 or more

b.) 3

c.) 2

d.) 1

e.) none

4.) How many individual songs do you download from the internet each month (don't count the songs on an entire CD download)?

a.) 15 or more

b.) 10-14

c.) 5-9

d.) 1-4

e.) none

5.) How much time do you spend reading about music each week or watching music on T.V.?

a.) 4 hours or more

b.) 3 hours

c.) 2 hours

d.) 30 minutes-60 minutes

e.) nothing


Give yourself 20 points for each letter a answer

Give yourself 15 points for each letter b answer

Give yourself 10 points for each letter c answer

Give yourself 5 points for each letter d answer

Give yourself 0 points for each letter e answer


1.) 90-100: Congratulations! You are a very serious-minded musician (instrumentalist or vocalist) or would like to become one. Musician's Rule!

2.) 80-89: Good Job. You are very involved with music and probably play an instrument or sing in an ensemble (or both).

3.) 70-79: You are an above-average music fan. Music is pretty important within your life.

4.) 50-69: You are an average music fan. You enjoy music.

5.) 30-49: You have a modest interest in music.

6.) 0-29: Music is not really important within your life.

Copyright 2009 Steve Raybine

All Rights Reserved

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